
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Website Navigation - Podcast Link now live

I have added a podcast link to the main page of the website as well as the blog site in the links section. If you click on the title of an individual post it takes you to a side bar on the right. Scroll down for all of our web links . I have added one for podcast episodes and I added someone that I have been following for a long time, and just realized he was not linked here. My apologies for that terrible oversight.

If you do not follow him already follow FIREHOUSE ZEN.

By clicking on the link you we will be taken to a page which lists all past episodes.

I have circled the podcast link and the current blog link, but you already know where that is because you are here!

Thank you for all of the support I have received.

I hope you enjoy the episodes and look for more to come in the future!

Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013