
Saturday, February 1, 2014

SWOT analysis


This week I am talking about something that has been around in the fire service and business world for a very long time. I am of course going to put my own little take on it, as most of you would expect nothing less. We are going to talk about a SWOT Analysis

SWOT is an acronym and a planning tool that can be used at many levels and folks should be considering using this when doing long range planning. SWOT can be used to evaluate a department, a group or shift, a planned event or anything that an officer or member truly wants to evaluate.

SWOT is an acronym that means:


What are the strengths of the current situation, problem, event etc.?

What Weaknesses are there in this process, situation, event?

With all changes there will be opportunities, what are those and identify all of them.

What are the threats that could lead us to fail? What could happen under Murphy's Law?

After that the principle is pretty simple……..

Take advantage and maximize all of your existing strengths.

Take steps to make any weakness into a strength and minimize weaknesses.

Evaluate all opportunities positive or negative and maximize and take advantage of ones that will be successful.

Minimize or eliminate all threats to success.

After that is done you stand to gain good success!

Now my purpose for today's column is to have each and every one of you do a SWOT analysis on yourself and your fire service situation wherever you are. Take a sheet of paper and divide it into four quadrants and sit down and evaluate your personal and professional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities in front of you and threats to you professionally or personally.

When you have completed that sheet share it with a mentor who knows you, and or a family member to see if you have thought of all of those items you need to consider.

Now that you have conducted this personal evaluation of yourself, will you have the fortitude to actually affect and impact the changes to make the weaknesses into strengths, maximize opportunities, and so forth.

It is a tool that can really help you if you take it seriously and share the information with a trusted friend so that you can become the best you can be.

Or you could not even be motivated enough to even try it, which speaks for itself. For those folks that I know well, I would be happy to share some thoughts if you chose to email me confidentially.

Hey even if you don't Like SWOT, I have my very own acronym which achieves the same thing but is much easier for me to remember...

Limitations Abilities Maybes & Might Be (s) Barriers and Boundaries

A personal evaluation tool called LAMB, now if that doesn't SCARE you into action nothing will!

Have a good week, stay in touch and stay safe.

Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013