
Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Fire Service Rumor Mill

I pretty much hate the rumor mill and I truly believe it is detrimental in so many ways to the fire service, but I also know I am not smart enough to figure out how to make it go away. Hey maybe you don't have a rumor mill or grapevine in your department, so this week's commentary might not be for you. (Stop reading right now, I wanna talk about you later on in the piece!) It really doesn't matter what you do to minimize, manage, or deal with it, the rumor mill exists and will continue to exists as long as one person hears a single piece of information prior to someone else, or prior to department administration being able to get it out there. I also acknowledge that while the rumor mill or grapevine will always exist I do submit to you that there are some things you can do to help the situation out in your own department.

Here are some basic thoughts: (Warning these may not get you any birthday presents or nuthin' cause they are not real popular!)

When someone approaches you and says "the rumor mill says...." or "rumor has it...." immediately and directly ask where they heard it. More often then not they will not answer. In that case neither should you.

Try to be open and up front with information if you are an officer or department administrator. This will help to minimize the effects.

If you are an officer or department administrator know your personnel and know who you can have a conversation with, without it being spread throughout the department.

The simplest of all.......Don't spread rumors yourself. Think of a time when you have been injured mentally or emotionally about some of the crap that may have been spread about you.

If the rumor mill is talking about other members, they are talking about you too. Make sure you know what they can say bout you. If you do good stuff and perform well on the job, then only good stuff will be said.

Build your reputation to be able to withstand the rumor mill. Each and every day behave in a positive manner.

What is being said about you at work? When you are out sick, or vacation is the shift happier? When you don't make a meeting or company drill does it go smoother? When you miss a good incident do the personnel say "it's a good thing you were not here cause somebody might have gotten hurt". Are your personnel happy to see you take command?

All of the things I mentioned right here are being said about you today. Your work habits, appearance, and behaviors are all being talked about.

Make sure you behave in a manner that will make your mom proud when she hears the rumor about you!

Make sure you don't get involved in spreading rumors about others. If everyone takes care of their own, then we can help make firehouse and the fire service just a tiny bit better, but each one of us doing the right thing!

Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013