
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Firefighter Training Podcast - Fireground Dangerous Conditions

This week a look at a couple of training opportunities, and a serious discussion about fireground dangerous conditions.

Fireground size-up and safety program being held November 2, 2013 at 9:00 AM Eastern Time. See more information at this link.

Second program being held at 7:00 PM Eastern on November 7, 2013 See more information and register here:

For any more information, comments or questions please contact me at 774-987-9414 and leave a voicemail.


The dangerous conditions we will talk about are below:

Fire behind, below the attack team

Something that just doesn't feel right on the scene

Limited ingress and egress situations

Unprotected openings

Size of the structure - water versus air supply

Been there too long - operations lasting greater than 10-15 minutes

Bad smoke - wrong color, wrong place, wrong movement

Lack of ventilation

If the crew cannot locate the fire

Floor or roof collapse stairway collapse

Collapse potential construction, occupancy, length of burn, lightweight materials, ankle deep water on floors, parallel chord truss, suspension columns, exposed steel

Electrical hazards gas utilities in general

Pressurized containers

Flying material- bouncing bricks

Uneven terrain


Building overhangs

Flashover and backdraft

Conflicting information from multiple sources

The plan isn't working, standard fire attack broken

Commercial is different from residential

Firefighters that are not ready.

Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013