
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Personnel Accountability

Just a small reminder that the rules of accountability state that you should be within VOICE, VISUAL, or TOUCH with your partner and crew.

The next time you have an incident or a drill, try and do that and see how
really difficult it is. Practice this when you are on the simple "smells and bells" calls.

At your next call or training drill have someone see how many times this rules gets violated

This is a real chore and can be a pain in the neck.

As conditions change and the area becomes filled with smoke, the visual goes away.
Move closer!

The voice becomes muffled by a mask and you now have to be much closer than you were.
Move closer!

Smoke banked to the floor and high must be in touch contact in case something goes wrong, you can assist your crew members.

At your next five incidents try to maintain this level of accountability.

E-Mail back and tell us how difficult that really is.

It's hard work to stay safe....but really give it a shot, you and your family are worth it!

Pete Lamb
Copyright 2013